Southeastern Fastener Association

The Southeastern Fastener Association

Phone: 847-732-8338 an industry which "holds the world together"

The SouthEastern Fastener Association has awarded over 140 scholarships since 1989. In addition to the Annual Gilchrist Foundation Scholarship, the Association uses funds raised to help as many as possible each year.

Eligible applicants are employees of any member company, as well as spouses and children of employees.

The deadline for applying is April 1st.

To apply, download the Scholarship Application (pdf format). Print out the application, fill it out, and mail it to the address listed on the application.

Please make sure that all applications have the signature and title of the sponsor and all required documents are complete and enclosed.

All students that apply need to understand that:

  • Applications must be received by April 1st.
  • Applicants must be employees of a member company, or their spouse of child.
  • This is a one time award.
  • Students may reapply the following year if unsuccessful.
  • Scholarships will be equally distributed among supplier and distributor applicants.
  • A maximum of one award will be made per sponsoring company yearly.

Scholarship funding is made possible through the generosity of the SEFA membership. Successful applicants will be notified by June by letter and an announcement will be published in our newsletter.


Please mail all completed applications to:

P. O. Box 473
Lake Zurich, IL 60047

Any questions:

Nancy Rich
Executive Director (847) 370-9022

Donate to our scholarship funds